What We Do
Oz Park Capital is committed to achieving superior risk-adjusted returns on distressed real estate assets, including mortgage-backed promissory notes. Prevailing economic conditions, including persistent inflation, high interest rates, tightening credit, and remote working preferences are exerting downward pressures on asset values as maturity dates loom. Trophy properties primarily in the office and retail sectors, but also in the multifamily space, are being traded at steep discounts or handed over to lenders. Steady increases in loan defaults are projected over the ensuing several years, presenting opportunities to awaiting buyers, while borrowers who survive may be forced to tap alternative sources of funding, presenting opportunities to awaiting bridge and mezzanine lenders.
Though Oz Park Capital takes no pleasure at the misfortune of others, the impending disruptions in the real estate markets present opportunities potentially too lucrative to ignore. So without schadenfreude the company seeks to acquire troubled real estate assets at favorable prices through short sales, forced sales, foreclosures, and REO; to purchase distressed notes or pools of non-performing or under-performing loans; to extend bridge or mezzanine financing to established and reputable borrowers; and to make preferred equity investments in companies managed by sponsors with proven records of past success.